Výbor pro spolupráci ČR se Spojeným ústavem jaderných výzkumů Přihlášení
Transmutation of uranium and thorium in the particle field of the Quinta sub-critical assembly

Hashemi-Nezhad S.R. Sch Phys, Univ Sydney, Australia
Adam Jindřich, promovaný fyzik CSc. Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií VUT v Brně
et al.  různé instituce


Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A, 883, 96-114


The fission rates of natural uranium and thorium were measured in the particle field of Quinta, a 512 kg natural uranium target-blanket sub-critical assembly. The Quinta assembly was irradiated with deuterons of energy 4 GeV from the Nuclotron accelerator of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, Russia. Fission rates of uranium and thorium were measured using Gamma spectroscopy and fission track techniques. The production rate of Np-239 was also measured. The obtained experimental results were compared with Monte Carlo predictions using the MCNPX 2.7 code employing the physics and fission-evaporation models of INCL4-ABLA, CEM03.03 and LAQGSM03.03. Some of the neutronic characteristics of the Quinta are compared with the "Energy plus Transmutation (EpT)'' subcritical assembly, which is composed of a lead target and U-nat blanket. This comparison clearly demonstrates the importance of target material, neutron moderator and reflector types on the performance of a spallation neutron driven subcritical system.

As the dimensions of the Quinta are very close to those of an optimal multi-rod-uranium target, the experimental and Monte Carlo calculation results presented in this paper provide insights on the particle field within a uranium target as well as in Accelerator Driven Systems in general. (c) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Příklad citace článku:
S. Hashemi-Nezhad, J. Adam, . et al., "Transmutation of uranium and thorium in the particle field of the Quinta sub-critical assembly", Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A, 883, 96-114 (2018)