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A lecture by prof. Ivo Šafařík was presented in JINR
26 April 2019

A lecture presented by prof. Ing. Ivo Šafařík, DrSc. from the Department of Nanobiotechnology, Biology Centre of Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic in České Budějovice took place in JINR Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics. The presentation has summarized the main characteristic features of magnetically responsive materials from the point of view of a bioscientist. These materials can find many interesting applications in various areas of biosciences and biotechnology. Prof. Šafařík has also mentioned the actual research realized by his team within the COST International Project dedicated to smart materials, examining the possibilities of application of textile materials and Nano Textiles. There was also presented a collaboration of Mr. Šafařík’s team with JINR in research of modified textile materials using neutron scattering on small angles. “This technology should give us very detailed information about how the particles are distributed on the surface of the textile, if they are isolated or form aggregates and if it corresponds to the models we are working with,” Prof. Ivo Šafařík said.