Committee for cooperation of the Czech Republic with Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Login

Finger Michael
Finger Michael, M.Sc. CSc.

affiliation: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague
position in committee:
cooperation with JINR: cooperated

Personal data

Responsible for grants (12)
02-1-1097 Technological innovations of low temperature polarized targets for experiments in nuclear and hadron physics Granty 2021 1.1.2021-31.12.2021
02-0-1083 Upgrade and technical support of the CMS detectors Granty 2021 1.1.2021-31.12.2021
02-1-1097 Technological innovations of low temperature polarized targets for experiments in nuclear and hadron physics Granty 2020 1.1.2020-31.12.2020
02-1-1097 Technological innovations of low temperature polarized targets for experiments in nuclear and hadron physics Granty 2019 1.1.2019-31.12.2019
02-1-1097 Technological innovations of low temperature polarized targets for experiments in nuclear and hadron physics Granty 2018 1.1.2018-31.12.2018
02-1-1097 Technological innovations of low temperature polarized targets for experiments in nuclear and hadron physics Granty 2017 1.1.2017-31.12.2017
02-1-1097 Технологические инновации систем поляризованных мишеней для экспериментов в ядерной и адронной физике Granty 2015 1.1.2015-31.12.2015
02-1-1097 Technologické inovace systémů polarizovaných terčů pro experimenty v jaderné a hadronové fyzice Granty 2014 1.1.2014-31.12.2014
02-1-1097 Изучение энергетического спектра и химического состава первичного космического излучения сверхвысоких энергий посредством мобильной аэростатной обсерватории СФЕРА-2 и астрофизические исследования в космических экспериментах - проект ТУС Granty 2014 1.1.2014-31.12.2014
02-1-1097 02-0-1067 Investigation in nuclear physics, solid state physics and biophysics by beams of electrons, pozitrons and high-frequency radiation Granty 2012 1.1.2012-31.12.2012
02-1-1097 Study of spin effects in lepton-nukleon, hadron-nukleon and hadron-nuclear interactions and in decay of nuclei Granty 2012 1.1.2012-31.12.2012
02-1-1097 Technologické inovace systémů polarizovaných terčů pro experimenty v jaderné a hadronové fyzice Granty 2011 1.1.2011-31.12.2011

Contributions in Conference Proceedings
Text format

Detector for the ultrahigh energy cosmic rays composition study in Antarctica Chernov D.; Finger M.; Finger M.; et al. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 798, UNSP 012151 2017