Committee for cooperation of the Czech Republic with Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Login
Projects 2015

03-2-1100, 02-1-1107 Activation Detectors and Thermocouples in the Fast Neutron Field Projekty 2015 Katovský K.; Zeman M. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
06-0-1120 Advanced Cooperation between JINR and the Czech Academic and Scientific Institutions Projekty 2015 Štekl I.; Závorka L.; Itkis M. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
03-4-1104 Air pollution characterisation in Moravian Silesian region using nuclear and related analytical techniques and GIS Technology Projekty 2015 Jančík P.; Frontasyeva M. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
02-1-1087 Automated analysis of nuclear track emulsion in fundamental and applied problems of nuclear physics (The BECQUEREL Project) Projekty 2015 Ploc O.; Zarubin P. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
03-2-1100 Automatic system for measurement of material samples background using ultra-low HPGe detector Projekty 2015 Hodák R.; Brudanin V. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
02-1-1085 Cooperation of the Czech and Dubna groups at the experiment COMPASS Projekty 2015 Smolík J.; Nagaytsev A.P. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
03-51094 Determination of masses of super heavy elements in the experiments on synthesis of 112 and 114 elements by using the MASHA Setup Projekty 2015 Krupa L.; Granja C.; Rodin A. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
03-2-1100 Development of portable pneumatic tube system for short time living isotopes investigation Projekty 2015 Varmuža J.; Solnyshkin A. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
02-1-1106 Development of the detectors based on SiPM readout for heavy ion experiments at FAIR and NICA Projekty 2015 Kugler A.; Ladygin  V. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
04-2-1103 Dosimetry, microdosimetry and metrology in radiotheraPY hadron beams' Projekty 2015 Davídková M.; Molokanov A. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
06-0-1120 Educational programme Projekty 2015 Štekl I.; Pakuliak S. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
04-9-1077 Effect of RBE on DNA damage and complex cellular response to ionizing radiation - New insights into the mechanisms of formation
of chromosomal translocations
Projekty 2015 Falk M.; Krasavin E. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
03-2-1100,02-1-1107 Experimental determination of the high energy neutron fluence in the
spallation experiments
Projekty 2015 Vrzalová J.; Vrzalová J. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
03-0-1095 Experimental verification of safety part of cyclotron DC280 using research infrastructure in Czech Republic Projekty 2015 Maar T.; Maar T. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
02-1-1087 HADES, study of dilepton production nuclear medium Projekty 2015 Kugler A.; Zanevsky Y. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
03-2-1100, 02-1-1107 Measurement of nuclear data necessary for the validation of nuclear models used for the description of а spallation rеасtiоп Projekty 2015 Vespalec R.; Vespalec R. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
02-0-1099 Micro-pixel Avalanche PhotoDetectors Projekty 2015 Vorobel V.; Krumshtein Z. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
03-2-1100, 02-1-1107 Nuclear Transmutation in the Fast Neutron Field Projekty 2015 Závorka L.; Závorka L. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
03-2-1100, 04-2-1126, 03-4-1104, 02-1-1086 Pixel detectors in JINR Projekty 2015 Pospíšil S.; Brudanin V.; Shelkov G.; Kopatch  Y.; Lukstins Y. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
04-5-1076 Radiation stability of SiC and SiC based detectors against high energy heavy ion irradiation effects Projekty 2015 Foral Š.; Skuratov V. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
03-5-1094 RIB experiments using the new facilities ACCULINNA-2@DRIBS and SuperFRS@FAIR Projekty 2015 Chudoba V.; Fomichev A. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
01-3-1113 Spectral characterization of periodic graphs Projekty 2015 Turek O.; Turek O. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
01-3-1115 Spin-orbit interaction in the graphitic nanocone Projekty 2015 Smotlacha J.; Osipov V. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
03-4-1121 Study of P- and S- Wave Velocities distributions in strongly anisotropic Rocks using modified ultrasonic Technique and neutron Diffraction
Projekty 2015 Lokajíček T.; Ivankina T. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
04-4-1121 Study of the atomic and magnetic structures of new materials by neutron diffraction Projekty 2015 Vratislav S.; Balagurov A. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
04-9-1077 Study of the formation and repair of DNA double-strand breaks in mammalian and human cells under the effect of radiation with different linear energy transfer Projekty 2015 Ježková  L.; Boreyko A. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
04-9-1077 Study of the genomic instability in the descendants of radiation induced mutant cells Projekty 2015 Bláha P.; Koshlan I. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
04-9-1077 Study of the levels of reactive oxygen species in the mammalian cells and microorganisms after irradiation Projekty 2015 Bláha P.; Bláha P. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
05-6-1118 The Grid/HPC infrastructure for the physics experiments Projekty 2015 Lokajíček M.; Korenkov V. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
01-3-1113, 01-3-1114 The International School "Advanced Methods of Modern Theoretical Phvsics: Integrable and Stochastic Systems" Projekty 2015 Burdík Č.; Voronov V. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
01-3-1113, 01-3-1114 The Votruba-Blokhintsev cooperation program in theoretical physics Projekty 2015 Burdík Č.; Voronov V. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
04-4-1121 Upgrade of Small-Angle Scattering Facilities (YuMO, MolMet) Projekty 2015 Zhigunov A.; Kuklin A. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
03-2-1100 Изучение актуальных проблем прецизионной ядерной спектроскопии низкоэнергетических электронов связанных с нейтринными проектами Projekty 2015 Špalek A.; Kovalík A. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
03-5-1094 Исследование возбужденных состояний ядер и передачи кластеров в реакциях на слабосвязанных ядрах Projekty 2015 Kroha V.; Penionzhkevich Y. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
03-2-1100,02-1-1107 Исследование продуктов реакций при взаимодействии протонов и вторичных нейтронов с ядрами на фазотроне ЛЯП
Projekty 2015 Adam J.; Adam J. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015
06-0-1120 Поддержка программы привлечения студентов и молодых ученных из ЧР в ОИЯИ Projekty 2015 Kovalík A. 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2015