L. Závorka, J. Vrzalová, M. Zeman, J. Adam, P. Čaloun, P. Chudoba, K. Katovský, M. Suchopár, P. Tichý, R. Vespalec, V. Wagner, . et al., "Characterization of a mixed high-energy spallation neutron-proton field using monoisotopic activation detectors", Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A, 903, 246-261 (2018)
J. Khushvaktov, J. Adam, J. Svoboda, P. Tichý, R. Vespalec, J. Vrzalová, V. Wagner, L. Závorka, M. Zeman, . et al., "Monte Carlo simulations and experimental results on neutron production in the uranium spallation target QUINTA irradiated with 660 MeV protons", Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 137, 102–107 (2018)